Mr. moxey’s mints

 The robust flavor of Mr. Moxey’s Artisan Mints begins with a potent, all natural herbal tea. Using recipes that were specially developed by an expert herbalist, these carefully considered combinations of naturopathic herbs and botanicals are steeped to perfection to create the foundation of the Mr. Moxey’s experience.


The tea is then mixed into a vegan, gluten-free dough. It is here that the select cannabinoids are blended into the mix. The dough is then hand kneaded for consistency and pliability and rolled to the optimum thickness for the next step.


The dough is run through a custom made, hand-cranked, stamping machine that cuts the mints to shape and stamps them with the signatory Moxey’s “M.” The mints are then laid out on sheets and air dried in special climate controlled tents before, at long last, they are packaged for all to enjoy.